2  "methods": {
3    "__constructor__(int)": {
4      "isImplementation": true,
5      "modifiers": [
6        "protected"
7      ],
8      "params": [
9        "netId"
10      ],
11      "returnType": "void",
12      "exceptions": [],
13      "name": "__constructor__(int)"
14    },
15    "bindSocket(java.io.FileDescriptor)": {
16      "isImplementation": true,
17      "modifiers": [
18        "protected"
19      ],
20      "params": [
21        "fd"
22      ],
23      "returnType": "void",
24      "exceptions": [],
25      "minSdk": 23,
26      "name": "bindSocket(java.io.FileDescriptor)",
27      "documentation": "No-ops. We cannot assume that a Network represents a real network interface on the device\nrunning this test, so we have nothing to bind the socket to.\n"
28    },
29    "bindSocket(java.net.DatagramSocket)": {
30      "isImplementation": true,
31      "modifiers": [
32        "protected"
33      ],
34      "params": [
35        "socket"
36      ],
37      "returnType": "void",
38      "exceptions": [],
39      "minSdk": 22,
40      "name": "bindSocket(java.net.DatagramSocket)",
41      "documentation": "No-ops. We cannot assume that a Network represents a real network interface on the device\nrunning this test, so we have nothing to bind the socket to.\n"
42    },
43    "bindSocket(java.net.Socket)": {
44      "isImplementation": true,
45      "modifiers": [
46        "protected"
47      ],
48      "params": [
49        "socket"
50      ],
51      "returnType": "void",
52      "exceptions": [],
53      "name": "bindSocket(java.net.Socket)",
54      "documentation": "No-ops. We cannot assume that a Network represents a real network interface on the device\nrunning this test, so we have nothing to bind the socket to.\n"
55    },
56    "getNetId()": {
57      "isImplementation": false,
58      "modifiers": [
59        "public"
60      ],
61      "params": [],
62      "returnType": "int",
63      "exceptions": [],
64      "name": "getNetId()",
65      "documentation": "Allows to get the stored netId.\n\n@return The netId.\n"
66    },
67    "newInstance(int)": {
68      "isImplementation": false,
69      "modifiers": [
70        "public",
71        "static"
72      ],
73      "params": [
74        "netId"
75      ],
76      "returnType": "android.net.Network",
77      "exceptions": [],
78      "name": "newInstance(int)",
79      "documentation": "Creates new instance of {@link Network}, because its constructor is hidden.\n\n@param netId The netId.\n@return The Network instance.\n"
80    }
81  },
82  "imports": [
83    "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP",
84    "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1",
85    "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.M",
86    "android.net.Network",
87    "java.io.FileDescriptor",
88    "java.net.DatagramSocket",
89    "java.net.Socket",
90    "org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation",
91    "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements",
92    "org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow"
93  ],
94  "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowNetwork"